I don't know when I started shopping on Taobao. I inadvertently chose Guangzhou in the "location" of the search results.Recently, I opened my Taobao account and found that the products I have recently consumed are mainly from Guangzhou merchants. At this time, I began to find that e-commerce localization had infiltrated my life unconsciously.
Many people will say that Groupon has started localization for a long time. This is because Groupon mainly serves physical stores. Localization is inevitable.But how much attention does the online mall business attach to the influence of localization?(Beijing website production)
Don't forget the essence of reality because of the Internet
The Internet itself is a borderless field. If the online store is located in a certain area, it will be difficult for some online merchants to accept. In theory, narrowing the sales scope is equivalent to doing less business.But in fact, it is not true. After all, everyone lives in a divided city. City division is the essence of living reality. B2C website localization is just a realistic necessity. However, serving customers in a region well has a profound impact on the operation and development of the website.Because it is much easier to maintain customers in one region than in the whole country, and it is easy to accumulate public praise, which can make better penetration development and better consolidate our local loyal customer base.
The closer you are, the more trusted you are
Far relatives are better than near neighbors. In addition to helping each other among neighbors, this sentence is also an interpretation of the impact of distance between people on life, that is, the closer the distance is, the faster the problem will be solved.The most important thing to do B2C online shopping malls is customers' trust in you, so you will see a lot of credibility certifications, awards from authoritative institutions, etc. at the bottom of such websites, which is to strengthen customers' trust in the website. In fact, in addition to these certifications, localization will make customers feel more attached and easier to gain customers' trust. Why?Because your service is nearest to him.If you are interested in localization of e-commerce, please visit Liu Zijun's blog to communicate with me.(High end website construction)
Make it easier for consumers to resonate
Many malls will ignore one detail, which is the impact of the relevance of customer comments. For example, there was a resident living in the building of Qifu New Village in the snack B2C website (located in Guangzhou) that I was responsible for running before, who left a message on the website saying, "How long will it take to deliver goods to Qifu New Village?" Our customer service answered his question at the first time,It was this message that we had more than a dozen new customers of Qifu New Village that month. Why?Because customers see that owners in the same place have chosen our products, they have resonance and trust.
Localization of B2C websites can not only reduce logistics and service costs, but also make customers feel faster and more convenient to deal with problems, strengthening consumers' preference for choice.