Although Internet Explorer and Navigator, the two most widely used browsers in the website construction industry, both support frameworks, some browsers do not support frameworks (such as the plain text UNIX browser Lynx). Although the number of visitors in this part is very small, people who use these browsers should be given a hint when making websites. This is frameless information.
Click the "Frames Not Supported" tab at the bottom of the editor to see the default information provided by the editor to visitors who do not support frames. This is just a simple page, which only contains the following statement: "This pageuxsframes, Butyurbrowsero: Doesntsupportthem, (This page uses frames, but your browser does not support them). These are far from enough. You should at least provide a hyperlink to these visitors on this page,
information sources Shangpin China : , Fengtai District website production, Fengtai District website design, Fengtai District website construction company