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In the process of website construction, what is the role of website map?

Date:2019-09-13 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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A separate website page. It contains all the content links on the website. The website map is commonly known as the site map. It is also a navigation of the website. Some websites have a wide range of contents. Customers can't find what they need in a short time after entering the website. A website map can help customers meet their needs. The search engine is very friendly to the website map and gives it a high weight. Whether the website map is in place is very important for website optimization. Website map is a part of website construction. Site maps are very important for SEO, and search engines like to crawl website pages along the site map links. From the perspective of visitors, site maps are more convenient for visitors to visit the website. The advantages of website maps are as follows:
1: It is convenient for search engines to capture website information. Site maps can provide search engines with links to browse the entire website. Search engines are difficult to capture information on some dynamic pages of the website. If it is difficult for search engines to reach the page spider, they may miss it. Site maps can make up for this defect and allow search engines to better capture website information.
2: It is convenient for users to visit and view the website. If a visitor attempts to access a URL that does not exist in the domain where the website is located, the visitor will be directed to the error page where the file cannot be found, and the website map can be used as the quasi content of the page.
3: As a potential landing page, website map can potentially optimize search traffic.
This article comes from Shangpin China: High end website construction

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