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Application of Dreamweaver Behavior Panel

Date:2016-07-23 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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along with Website Design With the development of technology, more and more web designers add various special effects written in JavaScript to make web pages look more beautiful. However, not all web designers are good at using JavaScript language. For web designers who are not good at writing JavaScript, you can use Dreamweaver's built-in behavior tool to edit the special effects of web pages in a visual way.

In Dreamweaver, you can also easily create various dynamic interactive forms. Through these forms, various designers can communicate with visitors.

This article introduces Dreamweaver's behavior, timeline and other visual web page special effects production tools, as well as the foundation of JavaScript and the application of forms.

Behavior is a visual special effect editing tool provided by Dreamweaver, which is mainly used to enable web pages to dynamically respond to user operations, change the current page effect, or perform certain specific tasks. Dreamweaver's behavior is pre written by JavaScript code. These codes can be called by web page designers through simple operations and embedded into the web page, and the execution of the code can be triggered by some specific events.

To add a behavior to a web page, you must provide it with three components, namely, objects, events, and actions. Object is the subject of behavior; Most objects in web pages can be directly used as objects in behavior, such as text, images, tables, etc; Events are the conditions that trigger actions, and actions can only occur through events: actions are the main body of actions, and this part determines what kind of work the action completes or what state the web page object becomes after activation.

Dreamweaver provides a panel to manage and edit behaviors specifically, that is, the Behavior panel. In Dreamweaver, execute the Window | Behavior command (Shift+F4) to open the panel. Using the Behavior panel, you can add all behaviors to the object, and modify some parameters of the current selection behavior, as shown in Figure 6-1.
 Behavior Panel

There are 6 buttons in the [Behavior] panel, whose functions are shown in Table 6-1.
 Buttons in Behavior Panel

Dreamweaver's built-in behaviors form a JavaScript library. The user only needs to select various actions with the mouse and set some simple parameters to set the triggered events for them and apply the JavaScript code in the library to the web page.

You should first select objects before editing behavior. In Dreamweaver, all the tags in the web page (including the whole web page, various texts, images, multimedia, tables, layers, frames, etc. in the web page) can be used as the behavior objects. Different objects can add different behaviors and set various events that trigger actions. In Dreamweaver, all JavaScript events are supported as conditions for behavior triggering, as shown in Table 6-2.

 Common javascript behavior Common javascript behavior 2
To edit the trigger event of a behavior, you can directly select the added behavior in the Behavior panel, click the trigger event of a behavior, and then select the corresponding event in the pop-up drop-down menu or directly enter the type of event in the menu text box of the event, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Double click the added behavior in the behavior list, or right-click to execute the Edit Behavior command. You can also edit various parameters of the behavior in the pop-up dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-3.

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