Chrome browser market share rises to about 25% IE drops to 40%
Google Chrome browser market share accelerated in October, approaching the milestone of 25%. According to the statistics of StatCounter, an international web analysis company, Chrome's market share in October was 24.99%, lagging behind Firefox and IE, which had 26.39% and 40.19% market shares respectively.
In October, the share of Internet Explorer fell 1.47%, Firefox fell 0.4%, and Chrome rose 1.38%. Apple's Safari browser market share climbed 0.33%, accounting for 5.93%. Although it is predicted that Chrome's growth will balance at some time, its share is still accelerating. This year alone, Chrome browser has increased by 10.1%, and in the statistics of the six consecutive months up to October, its growth reached the fastest in history, with an increase of 6.7%. At this rate, it is expected that the average market share of Chrome will surpass Firefox sometime this month and catch up with IE by 2012. ( Beijing website production )
In the past week, the average market share of Chrome was 25.43%, while that of Firefox was 26.03%. Microsoft did not attach much importance to this change of Chrome, and even though it attracted attention, it did not publicly express it. Microsoft only quoted the data of the American Internet traffic monitoring organization Net Applicationss and the share of IE9 in Windows 7 system. Microsoft said that IE9 accounted for about 22% of the global market share of Windows 7 systems, slightly ahead of Chrome and only behind Firefox. Microsoft's interest in browser market share seems quite different from Google's. Microsoft is trying to claim that IE9 is the winner of Windows 7 platform, and is also actively preparing to release HTML5 model for Windows 8. Google's goal is to gain overall market share to support the core revenue generated by its search engine. ( High end website construction )