Either program or be programmed

When I was giving a speech at New York University on Thursday morning, a young man asked me a question, "How to start a business without skills?" My answer was that he should try to learn. The next morning I met a group of business school students. Another female student asked me a different question, and I gave her a different answer. ( Beijing website production )
In fact, I don't mean to say that everyone should become a program engineer here, but I think that if he wants to work in this industry, he must know what program engineering is. For example, I can't speak French fluently. However, when I go to France, I can still speak some English at most, even if at the end of the day the French may not understand and have to speak English with me.
Dennis Crowley claims to be a bad pacer, but at most he can work with Naveen to write the first version of Foursquare. After their team added another member, Harry, Dennis's later code was rewritten by Harry. In fact, Dennis is what I mean by "understanding program engineering". If you want to start a business, you need to know at most some tools on the pace of the program, so that you can explain your project clearly and do some later things, while also making others interested in your project. If you can do that, then you have a better chance of winning.
Another serious reason to "understand" is that once you understand, you can work better with skilled people. You can understand some of the code they wrote, and can help them when they are too busy, so you will be more easily integrated into the whole team. ( High end website construction )
I haven't really written code for 25 years. However, I used to write for law enforcement companies, steamboat companies, etc. I can't call myself a good pacer, but after all, I know some basic ideas very well and can make some tools. So I think everyone who wants to start a business can reach my level.
Here, I would like to quote the words of Douglas Rushkof, a famous media skills scholar:
In anthropological language, what we learn is not just listening and speaking; When learning Chinese characters, one learns not only to read but also to write; Now, as we move towards an increasingly digital world, we should not only learn how to use pace, but also learn how to open up pace. In the future, facing a highly paced world, if you can't open up a program, then you will become a program. It is so simple: either program or be programmed.