Pay attention to Baidu related search: in this way, you can fully understand the keywords you want to focus on, and Baidu related search will accurately tell SEOER and users that netizens pay more attention to a certain keyword search. SEOER can better complete the overall SEO Work to find more keywords.
Or other foreign language search. When searching in Chinese. Googl really said that he was very weak. If he didn't believe Jiang Hai, he would take you to see my search results today. He denied that Googl Google was very powerful? Baidu baidu can find ye even if it doesn't search googl, but that is limited to English. You can also try it yourself. It still makes me decide to use Baidu, Souso, Sogou and other domestic search engines to search in Chinese. Googl is really not good at finding Chinese information
1、 Googl Chinese search results
From the perspective of SEO and aesthetics, today I searched a string of Chinese characters "Wuliangye | Guojiao 1573 | Jiannanchun | Fenggu | Honghualang Wine Price List". Of course, this is one of Jianghai's personal marketing websites. The vertical bar "| is added, but because of the vertical bar commonly used in this Chinese web page, googl is confused

Googl means more. The first three sites searched are all the same junk website. Why only see Guojiao 1573? Doesn't Wuliangye, which ranked first, be part of the users' search in googl? What about googl? I really feel that this kind of search is very wire, but when the vertical bars are removed from the search. It is a site that SEO people hate. It specializes in capturing other people's snapshots and collecting other people's SEO snapshot information. No value to users Website production , ranking first three.
Objectively speaking, googl is really two. Chinese search you really can't compare with Baidu. I also hope Baidu will not be proud. After all, you have more scandals than googl. Where are you? Morally, I still condemn you

2、 Baidu Chinese search results
The same sentence "Wuliangye | Guojiao 1573 | Jiannanchun | Fenggu | Honghualang Wine Price List" does not affect the search results. Baidu search found that the vertical bars can be accurately identified. Also remove the vertical bars "| Baidu's search results are still so accurate, and the Chinese search engine created by Robin Li is really awesome.

3、 Stand at SEOER angle
The founder of SkillTV believes that word segmentation technology is really a technology that SEO people must pay attention to. When setting the keywords, column classification and description of the website, you must pay attention to the segmentation characteristics of Baidu and other Chinese search engines, and try not to let second rate word segmentation become your SEO weakness. After all, the content and structure are the internal parts that SEO kings primarily focus on, followed by external issues such as the external chain and servers.
1. Write the title title description
Reasonable description, Baidu will redden search keywords. Both titl and description will be red. The title will induce users to click, and the ranking will become better and better. This article was published by Beijing Website Construction Company Shangpin China //