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DIV+CSS page layout and website design often make mistakes

Date:2013-07-17 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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1. Improper use of pictures
in order to Website production It is beautiful, and pictures are often pasted everywhere. This is not correct. There should be fewer pictures unrelated to the content. We can make these pictures into the background of the container.

 DIV+CSS page layout and website design often make mistakes

2. Navigation menu use picture, FLASH
The navigation menu uses pictures and FLASH, which is certainly better than plain text, but the search engine does not know your pictures and FLASH. If you have to use beautiful pictures for navigation, you can use the method of background replacement (I will talk about this method next time); If you want to use FLASH for navigation, I have no way. It is recommended to make an xml text of navigation menu link and submit it to the search engine.

3. New window opens
Please! Don't pollute my screen with any windows (especially under the poor window management technology of the current operating system)! If I need a new window, I will open it myself. The designer opens a new window to keep users on his site. However, it ignores the negative effects of controlling the user's machine. This strategy is self defeating, because when the user wants to return to the previous site through the "Back" button, he can no longer do so. Users usually do not notice that a new window has been opened, especially when their display is small and the window is maximized. Therefore, when users want to return to the original site, they are faced with a gray "Back" button that is unavailable.

4. Use of special fonts in content
I admit that the regular script is very beautiful, and the cursive script is not inferior to the Song style. But not all people have these fonts installed on their computers. If you use these special fonts, the pages you see on other people's computers will be unsightly.

5. Special effects without practical significance
Avoid using ostentatious techniques. These special effects have no practical significance for your website.

6. It is difficult for users to get the content they want
What will happen if a user visits your website like walking into a maze? Have you heard of the three click rule? For small websites, there is no information on your home page that needs to be clicked more than 3 times. For large websites, use navigation and toolbars to improve operations.

7. Content scrolling
Content scrolling can display more content in a smaller space. This is one of its benefits. But scrolling does more harm than good. Not all platforms and browsers support scrolling; In W3C's view, content scrolling will reduce the user experience.

8. File name naming is irregular
Don't ignore this point. For example, news pages can be named as News. html instead of an informal naming method like 2323123. html. Using a standardized naming method is not only beneficial to the search engine, but also beneficial to the future maintenance and management of the website.

9. Wrong color matching makes the webpage difficult to read
If it is unnecessary, you should insist on using white background and black text, and also insist on using universal fonts.

10. No paging is set for long articles
Long articles are not paginated, which will lead to slow page loading and user fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to set pagination for long articles.

11. No return points
"Return pointing" is the lifeline of network users, and is also the most commonly used navigation feature after hypertext connection. Users can try anywhere the web page points to, and just click the "Back" button once or twice to return to the previous page.

12. Using Frames
Like counters, frameworks are becoming more and more popular on web pages. On most websites, there is a frame on the left side of the screen. But the designers immediately found that there were many problems when using the framework. It is almost impossible to display the entire website without a 17 inch display when using the frame. Frames also make it impossible to bookmark a personal home page within a website. Perhaps more importantly, search engines are often confused by frameworks, so they can't list your websites.

13. Visible click counter
Don't easily consider placing a striking click counter on your website. You design your website to provide services to visitors, not to promote what you think is important. Most visitors think that counters are meaningless, they are easy to be faked, and visitors do not want to see advertisements. If you show how popular your website is, you'd better provide a link to display the visit log.

14. Poor compatibility
Does your website look good under 1024? What about 1280? Not everyone's displays use the same resolution. No matter who you are, you can't make perfect web pages at all resolutions, but we need to make sure that there are no errors at all resolutions.
Another two points are: Don't think that only computers can see the web! Don't think there is only one browser in the world!

15. Inappropriate use of sound
The use of sound should also be vigilant. Inline voice is another forbidden area for web designers. Because too much use of sound will slow down the download speed, and does not bring much benefit to the visitors. It may be interesting to hear the mouse sound for the first time, but it will be boring after many times. Before using sound, you should carefully consider what sound will bring to you.

16. No login to the search engine after publishing the website
A customer told me, is it possible to search Baidu after my website has been published? I always answer this way: Baidu is not owned by my family, nor by your family. Baidu did not know when you published the website. Therefore, after you publish your website, you should submit your website information to the login of major search engines.

17. Be eager to publish the website
The website has no content and website program is BUG. Please solve these problems before publishing. Only websites with rich content and few program bugs can make users linger.

18. Lack of interaction
Let users interact with the website, and let users interact with each other. So at least have a message book, which can encourage visitors to return to your website again and help expand the content of the website. This is an extremely important core idea of Web 2.0.

19. Leave no blank
Be careful to leave blank. Don't fill the web page with images, text and unnecessary animated GIFs. Even if there is enough space, you should avoid using them in design. This article was published by Beijing Website Construction Company Shangpin China //ihucc.com/

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