Beijing website constructionCompany Shangpin China: When selecting a professional licensing e-mail strategy service provider, in addition to comparing the price level, it should also carefully examine the credit and professional level of the service provider to ensure that its investors can get satisfactory returns.To select a licensed e-mail policy service provider, you need to focus on the following aspects.
1 .Whether the E-mail service provider is trustworthy
To judge whether a service provider is trustworthy, we can understand its brand image, user reputation and other external criteria. At the same time, we need to confirm at least two basic elements: (1) The source of the user's e-mail address must be legal, that is, those who have been approved by the user (such as the registered user's e-mail address and the users who have added by double opt in), those who use self collection, purchaseThe company that rents the user's e-mail address is untrustworthy;(2) The service provider consciously maintains the industry guidelines for licensing e-mail strategies and never sends spam.
On November 17, 2002, the newly established E-mail Committee of the American Interactive Advertising Agency (IAB) announced the first set of recommendations on licensing e-mail strategy - "ethical e-mail assurance", and took this set of recommendations as the guidance for IAB member units in obtaining and using enterprise e-mail.The guidelines clearly require advertisers and agents to insist on obtaining enterprise e-mail user resources in a reasonable way and comply with the service commitments reached with users. If enterprise e-mail providers violate any of the guarantees, they shall unconditionally refund all fees charged.These provisions of IAB emphasize some basic issues when using enterprise e-mail to carry out the licensing e-mail strategy, such as: the acquisition of user e-mail address resources should obtain the user's permission in advance, the user agrees to receive information from a third party, and allows the user to exit the list;The enterprise e-mail provider shall fully disclose the source of all e-mail addresses, including the licensing method, and accept inquiries from advertising users and e-mail recipients;The information sent by E-mail should have certain specifications;The permissive e-mail policy should protect the legitimate interests of advertisers and e-mail recipients.
From the industry norms formulated by IAB, it can also be seen that the formal licensed e-mail policy service providers are distinguished from the informal or spam sending companies by complying with the basic industry norms.In fact, the licensed e-mail policy information sent by a reputable service provider can attract more users' attention and trust. Therefore, an enterprise that pays attention to the company's brand image should not be greedy for bargains and let spammers damage their reputation.
2. The number and quality of users provided by service providers are reliable. In order to attract the attention of advertising users, some service providers may exaggerate the number and quality of users of enterprise e-mail resources, which is also the main reason why many enterprises distrust the licensed e-mail strategy. This situation has restricted the normal development of the licensed e-mail strategy industry,Some enterprises prefer to use the internal enterprise e-mail address resources rather than the services of professional service providers.
A study on the licensing e-mail strategy conducted by Opt in News, a professional media in the field of licensing e-mail strategy, found that 73% of enterprises in the world adopt the licensing e-mail strategy based on user licensing when carrying out online marketing, but enterprises usually use the internal enterprise e-mail system to carry out licensing e-mail strategy, rather than entrust professional service agencies.72% of the companies that outsource to third-party service providers do not trust them, because 90% of the companies think that licensing e-mail strategy professional service companies will exaggerate the actual number of users.
Even if the number of users provided by the service provider is real, there may still be a situation of low quality. This is mainly because some users are scattered. At the same time, some users in the list have no meaning because some mail service providers terminate their services, users' e-mail addresses are abandoned, users change their e-mail addresses and do not quit the list, etc,It is obviously unreasonable for advertisers to pay for these invalid user addresses.
3. Accurate user positioning
The number of users' e-mail addresses is important, but the quality of user resources is even more important. Accurate positioning is half the success of the licensed e-mail strategy, because no one is willing to read emails that have nothing to do with themselves, especially a large number of commercial advertisements.There may be multiple indicators for user positioning, such as age, occupation, income and education status, geographical location, etc. Accurate positioning is based on the truth of the information provided by users. However, some users fill in information that is not necessarily true in order to obtain certain information or services. It is obviously not convincing to use these information as the basis for user positioning.Therefore, enterprises should try to choose licensed e-mail policy service providers with appropriate user resources.
4. Specialized licensing e-mail policy service
Professionalization includes many aspects, such as providing professional licensing e-mail strategy suggestions, professional mail distribution and management systems, professional advertising effect monitoring means. An experienced service provider often has a large number of successful cases, and has relevant statistical analysis data, such as user composition, user reception and reading behaviorAccording to the e-mail receiving program used by users and the response rate of e-mail advertisements in different industries, you can better formulate your own licensing e-mail strategy.
5. Reasonable fees and charging mode
Different from other forms of online advertising, e-mail advertising can accurately count the number of emails sent, so it can adopt the billing model based on the number of emails sent, just like traditional postal letters. Therefore, when selecting enterprise e-mail, knowing the number of users in the list is equivalent to knowing the cost of licensing e-mail policies,This pricing model is simple and easy to operate, and is adopted by many service providers.However, some investigations show that.Nearly half of the users want to adopt the pay per click pricing model (CPC).As for the charging level of a service provider, it is convenient to make an evaluation by comparing the situation of peers.Generally speaking, the higher the popularity of the service provider, the higher the degree of user orientation and licensing, the better the effect of the licensing e-mail policy, and the corresponding higher the cost. This article was published in UEOMarketing website constructionCompany Shangpin China//