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Content editor of Shangpin China background instructions

Date:2014-10-08 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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The famous open source web page editing software FCKEditor was updated to 3.0 in 2009 and renamed CKEditor. The original name was FCK because the original developer was Frederico Calderia Knabben; Now it is called CK, which means "Content and Knowledge". The new editor updates include a new user interface, a Javascript API that supports Plug in, and support for the use of visually impaired people. "
According to the official explanation, CK is a complete rewrite of the FCK code, and this work has been started since 2007, and several beta versions were released at the beginning of this year. So far, FCKeditor, which has served us for 6 years, will be replaced by CKeditor.

Next, Shangpin China will introduce the practical course of CKeditor: including picture upload, video upload, how to copy and paste other website content and word text content.

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