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Why conversion rate is the most important indicator of website

Date:2015-04-09 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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Website construction company Shangpin China: You don't need to care about whether 1000 or 1 million people have visited your website. You just need to optimize the conversion rate of the website by improving the search ranking, user loyalty, duration of visit, and reducing the jump rate.

Since Google Analytics was free in 2005, marketers, media experts and everyone in between all want to find the most valuable indicator among various web page indicators (such as number of page visits, visitors, number of visitors visited once). But at the same time, many company bosses ignore the integrity of the data presented by these indicators, and only focus on the guiding role of sales and websites. In other words, if a web page does not create benefits or collect potential customer contact information, something must be wrong.

 Why conversion rate is the most important indicator of website

In the opinion of Jakob Nielsen, a partner of Nielson Norman Group in Fremont, California, the company should still believe that the information searched by users on the website is not completely correct, regardless of the analysis of the salesperson or the company boss. In his opinion, the most important data of enterprises should be conversion rate, that is, the ratio of the number of responses from web visitors to the instructions on the web page to the total number of website visitors. These responses may be to click on an article, make an appointment or buy a product. Conversion rate provides an efficient and accurate method for the company to judge the attractiveness of web pages to browsing users. With it, you don't have to care about whether 1000 or 1 million people visit your website.

In fact, to calculate the conversion rate of the web page, it is not difficult to distinguish the visitors who have responded on your web page from the total number of visitors. The complexity is how to further improve the conversion rate.

Nielsen proposed three classic web page indicators, which played a key role in the promotion of web page conversion rate. If you can do something about these indicators, you can build a more successful website and run a more successful company.

Search engine ranking

If your website search is listed on the first page of the search page, and you think it has an essential relationship with your industry, then your company really doesn't have to exist on the Internet. Because the fact is that only 2% of online users will see the search results from the first page. Through several months of SEO work, daily content updates and good interface design, you can enter the first page of the search engine.

Jump rate and duration

To be precise, these are two indicators, but they are highly correlated. Jump rate refers to the ratio of the number of users who visit the website but leave immediately (that is, they think your website is too bad) to the total number of visitors; The visit duration refers to the number of sub pages visited and browsed each time and the time spent on the website.

User loyalty

This indicator is for repeated visits Marketing website The "visitors" defined in Google Analytics, compared with the unique visitors who have only visited once. In your total number of visitors, the fewer the number of visitors who visit only once, the higher the loyalty of your visitors. The reason why this loyalty indicator is important is that it is much easier to sell your products to those who are already your loyal customers than to recommend them to those who contact you for the first time.

The low jump rate and high visit duration prove that your website is useful and valuable for netizens.

Nielsen also warned that even if you pay attention to all the above standards, the conversion rate is most closely related to the products and services your business can provide. In the final analysis, to put it simply, if you can give people what they want, your conversion rate must be very high, even if your website is very ugly.

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