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What is the SMART rule? How to plan websites through SMART rule

Date:2015-05-16 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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What is the SMART rule?
 What is the SMART rule

Setting goals is not a simple matter. People often make some basic mistakes, that is, they are too idealistic, not in line with the objective situation, and not easy to implement, so the plan is easy to become a "good wish". In the 1970s, an American made a simple and easy to follow rule for setting goals: the SMART rule. SMART method consists of five English letters: SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTACNABLE, REASONABLE, TIMED

Smart rules refer to the five principles that should be followed when setting goals:
S - Specific

This means that the goal must be specific and not ambiguous
M - Measurable

Measurability of goals. The goals set must be measurable
A - Attainable

Achievability of goals. A goal must be achievable, or it can be achieved through hard work.
R - Relevant

Goals must be relevant to other goals. That is, all efforts are for one result, not for action.
T - Time-based

Objectives must have clear deadlines. That is, a goal is meaningful only if it is achieved within a certain time.

For example, when making plans, people need to set goals. I often set such a goal: "From tomorrow, be a diligent learner." However, such a goal is often not achieved. If the goal is set according to the SMART rule, the possibility of realization will be greatly increased.

S-Specific: the target should be specific. "To be a diligent learner" is not a specific goal. "Learn more management knowledge" is more specific, but not specific enough. "Learn more about human resource management" is more specific, but not specific enough. How to be specific? Add the second point: M.

M - Measurable: The goal should be measurable. To be measurable, we often need to have figures to quantify the goals. "Read three classic books on human resource management" is more specific, because it has numbers and can be measured.

A - Attainable: The goal should be turned into action. "Being a diligent learner" is not an action, while "reading three classic books on human resource management" is an action. However, in fact, "reading" can only be regarded as a relatively vague action. How to read? Is reading 10 pages counted as reading? Does it count as reading if I have flipped through it in a hurry? Therefore, we can continue to elaborate and turn it into more specific and measurable actions, "read three classic books on human resource management, and write three reading notes on the harvest and experience".

R - Relevant: The goal should be realistic. If you have never read any management book or written any reading notes, then the above goals are unrealistic for you. If you are an IT manager and have a certain interest in human resources, the above goals may not be realistic for you. Perhaps for you, the realistic goal should be to read three articles on human resource management first.

T -- Time based: the target must have a time limit. How long will it take to read three books? For me, it usually lasts three days, but not more than three weeks at most. According to your actual situation, it can be three months or six months. Therefore, with time constraints added, this goal may eventually become: "In the next three months, read three classic books on human resource management (one book a month), and write three reading notes on the harvest and experience (one book a month)".

How to plan websites through SMART rules?
 What is the SMART rule? How to plan websites through SMART rule

Decide on one Website production There are many factors for success. One of the most important factors is the pre planning of the website. The main function of the pre planning is to establish Marketing website construction The goal of. It is not a simple thing to set goals for websites. People often make some basic mistakes, that is, they are too idealistic, not in line with the objective situation, and not easy to implement. Therefore, the plan is easy to become a "good wish". In the 1970s, an American made a simple and easy to follow rule for setting goals: the SMART rule, which can become an effective method for setting website goals.

The SMART rule requires that the objectives formulated should meet five criteria: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.

Clarity - This means that the goal must be clear and not ambiguous. For example, "Get back in shape" is a general goal. A clear goal should be stated as follows: "Go to a fitness club three times a week for 52 weeks". A clear goal is more likely to be achieved because it has identified specific parameters and constraints.

Measurability - Measurability of goals. The goals set must be measurable. How can you determine whether your goals are measurable? You can ask yourself the following questions: How long will it take? How many are there in all? How can I know that the goal has been completed? wait. When you are measuring the progress, you can control the completion of the goal. Each time you complete a small goal in the process, it will bring you a sense of achievement and urge you to work harder to complete the set goal.

Achievability - the realization of goals. A goal must be achievable, or it can be achieved through hard work. Your goal should be objective, if you can reach it within your ability. In other words, the goal should be realistic. You can ask yourself this question: How can you accomplish your goal?

Relevance - The goal must be relevant to other goals. That is, all efforts are for one result, not for action. For example, an online shop aims to "sell 75 tuna sandwiches before 2 p.m.". This goal is specific, measurable, and achievable, but not relevant, because for an online store entrepreneur, his goal should be how to make profits through online trading.

Timeliness - goals must have clear deadlines. That is, a goal is meaningful only if it is achieved within a certain time. Give your goal a certain completion time, which will help you focus on achieving your goal. Time bound requirements can help you avoid delaying the progress of your goals due to daily chores.

For a website planning, we must ask ourselves five questions before building a website:

1. What kind of website do I want to build?

2. How can I successfully establish this website?

3. Can I set up this website?

4. What is the purpose of this website?

5. When can I build this website?

With these five questions in mind, we have a preliminary planning idea for this website. The next thing is simple, which is how to better achieve this goal. The goal is to understand that those goals that originally seemed unreachable will eventually become easy to reach, not because your goal has become smaller, but because you know how to achieve this goal.

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