The technical basis of network marketing is mainly information technology represented by computer network technologyMarketing website constructionTechnology is the product of the combination of modern communication technology and computing technology. It connects computers distributed in different geographical regions and specialized external equipment with communication lines to form a large-scale and powerful network.It includes the following:
1. Information processing technology
Information processing technology is a technology that processes the obtained initial information according to certain purposes, requirements and steps.The characteristic of modern information processing is to use computers as the main tool, which is often manifested in the data processing of information carriers.Its data includes not only numerical data, but also non numerical data such as text, image and voice.Therefore, the connotation of information processing is more extensive than arithmetic operations.Information processing is generally divided into three stages: information input, information processing and information output.Large scale integrated circuits produced by microelectronics technology are the carrier of information and the foundation of the entire information technology·The application of these new technologies will help users to strengthen customer information management, find customer needs in time and adjust their marketing strategies in the process of online marketing.
2. Information transmission technology
Information transmission technology provides strong technical support for network marketing. Information transmission technology includes wired and wireless communication, satellite communication and computer network communication technology. The advent of these new technologies provides the main channel for large capacity and long-distance information transmission.Satellite technology makes it possible for people in any two places on the earth to talk and exchange data;Text, sound, image and other forms of information are transmitted along the linear cable made of glass fiber at a speed equivalent to hundreds of thousands of bytes per second or even faster;Optical fiber cable has greatly increased the bandwidth. The amount of information loaded by a hair thin optical fiber is 1000 times the sum of all radio frequencies. The development of these information transmission technologies has broken the shackles of traditional marketing by time and space, providing a broad space for the development of future network marketing.
3. Information exchange technology
Information exchange is a means of data transmission through transmission technology in the network.During the transmission of information from the sender to the receiver, the exchange technology used can be divided into two categories: line exchange and store and forward exchange. There are three operation methods: line exchange, message exchange and packet exchange. The main forms are electronic data exchange and Internet system.Electronic Data Interchange (EDT) is an electronic transmission method from computer to computer, which forms structured transaction processing or document data format according to a recognized standard for business or administrative transaction processing.The editing and transmission of information between such computers is usually carried out through the value-added network.The user's EDI needs to be realized on the private network by renting a dedicated line. This kind of private network is called value added network (VAN).These networks are specially designed for the business characteristics of different enterprises, and their main functions and purposes are to realize the automation of enterprise production processes and business processes.EDI is a primary technology to support online marketing. Its limitation lies in that it is difficult to communicate with each other due to the use of different technologies and standards, forming information "islands", which is not conducive to wider online marketing.The commercial use of the Internet system, known for its low cost, wider coverage, comprehensive functions, flexible use and better services, not only makes up for the shortcomings of EDI, but also provides strong technical support for the development of online marketing.
4. Internet link technology
Internet link technology is also a part of network marketing support technology. Network hypertext link makes the collection and adoption of information very simple and convenient. Anyone can be a user, collector and seller of informationOn the Internet, online marketers can use Internet link technology to collect relevant customer information or conduct online market research, constantly learn international advanced online sales technology, or directly conduct online commodity transactions, which is convenient, fast and inexpensive.Of course, the Internet has been able to develop and popularize rapidly, and Internet link technology has played a great role.It is network links that establish links between different pages of websites and hundreds of millions of different websites, connecting them to each other, and forming the Internet.However, with the birth of Internet link technology, relevant intellectual property legal issues also arise. Therefore, as an enterprise operator, we must pay attention to abide by the relevant laws of Internet link technology to prevent infringement.