Theoretically, any form ofWebsite productionProducts.But at this stage, affected by various factors, online marketing can not meet this requirement.Generally speaking, products suitable for online marketing should have the following characteristics:
1. Product nature
Since online users have certain requirements for Internet technology at the initial stage of network access, most users' access to the Internet is related to understanding and mastering network technology. Therefore, products sold online are best related to the computer network.In addition, some information products, such as books and music, are also suitable for online sales.There are also some online services realized with the help of network functions that are more suitable for online marketing, such as telemedicine.
2. Target market
For products whose market needs to cover a large geographical range, the virtuality of the network enables customers to break through the time and space constraints and realize remote shopping and online direct ordering, which enables online buyers to understand the products comprehensively through the network before buying.If the target market of the product is relatively narrow, traditional marketing strategies can be adopted.
3. Product style
Due to the personalized characteristics of online consumers, the style of online marketing products must meet the personalized needs of buyers.The products marketed through the Internet to countries and regions around the world should conform to the customs, religious beliefs and education levels of countries and regions.
4. Product price
Online marketing is applicable to products whose online marketing costs are far lower than those of other sales channels. On the one hand, the Internet, as a tool for information transmission, adopted sharing and free strategies at the early stage of development, and online users agree with the low-cost features of online products;On the other hand, because the cost of selling products through the Internet is lower than that of selling products through other channels, the low price pricing strategy is generally adopted for selling products online.
5. Product quality
Customers can make decisions to purchase products by obtaining information from the network.For these products, although the network virtualization can realize remote shopping and online direct ordering, online buyers cannot try or can only learn about the products through the network before purchase, so the product quality should meet the standardization requirements.
6. Product packaging
As a global market oriented product operated through the Internet, its packaging must be suitable for the requirements of online marketing, so as to facilitate distribution in different countries and regions.
7. Product brand
The product must have a clear brand if it wants to gain the attention of visitors in the vast amount of information on the Internet.Because of the virtual nature of the network, customers with insecurity tend to prefer famous brand products.The characteristics of the above online marketing products are actually caused by the restrictions of the two networks, making only some products suitable for online sales.With the development of network technology and other scientific and technological progress, we have reason to believe that there will be more and more products suitable for online sales.