1、 Marketing environment of online financial products
Internet Website construction The marketing ring soul and the real marketing environment together constitute the dual ring soul of the online financial contact product marketing call. The real market key ring soul is divided into macro and macro environment. The macro environment includes the economic environment, political and legal environment, population environment, cultural environment and technological ring soul. The Huiguan ring soul includes the customers The public and competitors in the same industry.
2、 Marketing research and market forecast of online financial products
(1) Marketing research of online golden touch products
1) Network touch product key information system. The so-called online financial product marketing information system refers to a group of procedures and methods that are jointly composed of people, machines and programs to collect, analyze and provide information in a planned way. It serves the marketing decision-making of online financial products, including the internal reporting system of online financial product marketing, the marketing intelligence system of online financial products The research system of online financial product marketing and the analysis system of online financial product marketing are composed of four subsystems.
2) Research on the market of network financial products. The research on the marketing of online financial products refers to the activities of online financial enterprises to systematically collect and analyze information about customer needs and financial products, identify and define marketing opportunities for online financial products, determine, improve and evaluate the marketing behavior of online financial products, and control the marketing performance of online financial products. The scope of marketing research on online financial contact products mainly includes: research on the development trend of online financial contact: short-term prediction, long-term prediction Analysis of the potential needs and market share of the domestic and international markets. Research on online Jinsheng products: research on the development of new Jinchao products. Research on the depth of existing Jinchao products. Comparative research on peer competitors' products. Research on the price of online Jinsheng products: profit analysis, interest rate elasticity analysis Demand analysis and interest rate analysis of peer competitors' products. Analysis of marketing channels of online financial products: namely, analysis of marketing channel performance, analysis of network channels, analysis of regional channel distribution and analysis of international marketing channels. Analysis of online financial product promotion: namely, analysis of savers' motivation and media analysis.
3) Network financial product market research. Q Investigate visitors by using e-mail as a visitor register. ② Ask visitors to register through the free praise service. 0 Provide material rewards to visitors. ④ Conduct market research on the website of online financial private enterprises.
(2) Network financial enterprise market foresight. The market forecast side of online financial enterprises includes the supply and demand forecast side of the financial market, the supply and demand forecast side of financial products, and the price forecast side of financial products.
1) Demand forecast of online golden touch products. The demand forecast of online financial products refers to the demand of customers for certain online financial products in a certain period of time and in a certain district. This demand is also reflected in the customer group's interest in this network
Total number of products purchased.
2) Internet financial product price forecast. In real economic life, the price of network financial products takes the form of interest rates, securities prices and fees. Through the systematic collection and analysis of information about customer needs and financial products, we can identify and define the marketing opportunities of online financial products, determine, improve and evaluate the marketing behavior of online financial products, and control the marketing performance of online financial products. The scope of marketing research on online financial contact products mainly includes: research on the development trend of online financial contact: short-term prediction, long-term prediction Analysis of the potential needs and market share of the domestic and international markets. Research on online Jinsheng products: research on the development of new Jinchao products. In depth research on existing Jinchao products. Comparative research on peer competitors' products. Research on the price of online Jinsheng products: profit * analysis, profit analysis, interest rate elasticity analysis Demand analysis and interest rate analysis of peer competitors' products. Analysis of marketing channels of online financial products: namely, analysis of marketing channel performance, analysis of network channels, analysis of regional channel distribution and analysis of international marketing channels. Analysis of online financial product promotion: namely, analysis of savers' motivation and media analysis.
3) Network financial product market research. Investigate visitors by using e-mail as a visitor register. ② Ask visitors to register through the free praise service. Provide material rewards to visitors. Conduct market research on the website of online financial private enterprises.
(2) Network financial enterprise market foresight. The market forecast side of online financial enterprises includes the supply and demand forecast side of the financial market, the supply and demand forecast side of financial products, and the price forecast side of financial products.
1) Demand forecast of online golden touch products. The demand forecast of online financial products refers to the demand of customers for certain online financial products in a certain period of time and in a certain district. This demand is also reflected in the customer group's interest in this network
Total number of products purchased.
2) Internet financial product price forecast. In real economic life, the price of network financial products takes the form of interest rates, securities prices and fees.