The original English meaning of Web is spider web, and the global information web is connected by hyperlinks like a spider web with countless threads.Hypertext, Hypermedia and Hyperlink are the basic concepts of the Web.
The Web organically combines the information in different computers on the Internet through a hypertext mode, and can retrieve information from one Web server to another through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)Web server can publish information with pictures and texts, and in some cases, it can also publish audio and video information.
Hypertext is a global information structure. It connects different parts of a document through keywords, enabling information to be searched interactively.Hypermedia is the combination of hypertext and multimedia in the information browsing environment.Hyperlink refers to the connection between a web page and a target. The target can be another web page, different locations on the same web page, a picture, an email address, a file, or even an application.Through hyperlinks, users can get more information from the network and easily switch to other topics.Users can not only jump from one text to another, but also activate a sound, display a graph, or even play an animation, as shown in Figure 6-11.
The Web is platform independent.No matter from Windows, UNIX, Macintosh or other platforms, users can access the Web through a software called Browser.
The Web is distributed.A large amount of graphics, audio and video information will occupy a considerable amount of disk space. For the Web, it is not necessary to put all the information together. Information can be placed on different sites.
The Web is dynamic. Since the information of each Web site contains the information of the site itself, the information provider can often update the information on the site, so the information on the Web site is dynamicThe dynamic nature of the Web also shows that the Web is interactive.Because of the hyperlink technology, the browsing order and the site are completely decided by the user.In addition, the user can submit a request to the server by filling in a form, and the server can return the corresponding information according to the user's request.
What is a web page?
Web Page is actually a file (or information page) stored in the Web Server of the network.Every web page on the Internet has a unique name identifier, usually called a URL address. The Uniform/Universal Resource Locator (URL) is an identification method used to completely describe the resource address on the Internet.To put it simply, a URL is a Web address, commonly known as "web address". This address can be a local disk, or a computer on the LAN, or more often a site on the Internet.For example, http//www. moe. edu. Cn is the website of the Ministry of Education of China.Most URLs start with //to indicate that the standard communication protocol of the Web is used.Web page productionThrough URL address identification and access, when the user enters the URL in the browser address bar, the web page will be transmitted to the client's computer terminal through a complex and fast program, and the browser will interpret the content of the web page and finally display it to the user. The process is shown in Figure 6-12.
The basic elements of web pages include text, pictures, animations, music, programs, etc. There are two kinds of web pages in the Internet: static web pages and dynamic web pages.
The Web server provides users with one-way services through static Web pages, that is, Web pages can only display the information edited in advance to users, and users can only "read" without other behaviors, mainly in the form of HTML documents (file suffix is. htm or. html), such as common news pages.The service provided by dynamic web pages is two-way. It can not only provide information to users, but also receive feedback from users, and respond according to the feedback information.Common dynamic web page types are. phpjsp、. asp、. Aspx, etc.Dynamic web pages are widely used, such as chat rooms, forums, e-commerce applications, etc.