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What is software engineering

Date:2015-06-18 Source: Shangpin China Type: website encyclopedia
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Software Engineering (SE) is a discipline that studies the construction and maintenance of effective, practical and high-quality software using engineering methods. It involves programming languages, databases, software development tools, system platforms Website construction Standards, design patterns and other aspects. At the same time, it is also a discipline that applies theory to practice, and widely applies computer science, mathematics, management science and other knowledge.

For software engineering, representative definitions include:

(1) Barry Boehm gives the definition: use modern scientific and technological knowledge to design and construct computer programs and relevant documents necessary for the development, operation and maintenance of these programs.

(2) IEEE's definition in Software Engineering Glossary: ① apply systematic, strictly constrained and quantifiable methods to software development, operation and maintenance, that is, apply engineering to software; ② Research on the methods described in ①.

(3) Fritz Bauer gave the definition at the NATO meeting: a series of methods to establish and use perfect engineering principles to obtain reliable software that can run effectively on actual machines by more economical means.

(4) The definition in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology: software engineering is the engineering of developing software by applying the principles of computer science, mathematics and management science. Software engineering draws lessons from the principles and methods of traditional engineering to improve quality and reduce costs. Among them, computer science and mathematics are used to build models and algorithms, engineering science is used to formulate specifications, design paradigms, evaluate costs and determine trade-offs, and management science is used to manage plans, resources, quality, costs, etc The CCSE2004 report emphasizes that software engineering is to "apply engineering to software development, operation and maintenance in a systematic, scientific and quantitative way; at the same time, carry out research on various methods and approaches in the above process", highlighting the research and application direction of "engineering" and "methodology" in the field of software engineering. In the CCSE2004 SEEK (Software Engineering Education Knowledge) finalized in May 2004 and formulated by the ACM/IEEE joint working group, the software engineering knowledge field is divided into the following fields:

On June 23, 2004, another discipline group of IEEE also announced the updated version of Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), including:

The problem space of software engineering discipline is shown in Figure 10-5.

Since software engineering is committed to developing efficient software systems, 9 it is necessary to expand down the software methods and technologies to the internal structure of the system to more effectively develop and utilize the performance of the hardware system; Considering that the software system designed and developed is user oriented, it is necessary to expand to some application technology issues and have a proper understanding of issues related to organizational affairs.
 Because software engineering is committed to developing efficient software systems

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