To study the virtual world from the perspective of social philosophy is actually to treat the virtual world as a part of the social structure.Although the virtual world is complicatedWebsite constructionHowever, communicative practice is the most essential feature of its formation.Therefore, the primary issue of studying the virtual world is to separate the most essential behavior or social relations in the virtual world, form the most essential code of conduct about the virtual world, and form ethics and values about the virtual world on this basis.For this reason, the first thing to do is to separate virtual technology from the basic tool attributes and place it within the subject object action framework.Along this line of thinking, technology becomes a part of the social and cultural composition of the virtual world, and the virtual subject and its environment are the concentrated embodiment of virtual technology. The virtual world becomes a world of the relationship between subject and object under the role of technology.In this way, for every virtual subject in the virtual world, there are the following two relationships.
One is the relationship between the virtual subject and the original subject as its biological subject.Theoretically, the virtual subject is created on the biological subject, but what is the real situation?How and to what extent are virtual subjects created?This should be the key to understanding the virtual world.It is quite different to shape a virtual subject only in terms of physical characteristics such as appearance, nickname, age and height, and to reshape oneself in terms of ideology, consciousness, logic, etc.If it is the latter case, it will inevitably lead to the essential change of the biological subject's ideas in the real world.Because thought and consciousness are identical, not fission.
The second is the inter subjectivity relationship between the virtual subject and other virtual subjects.Intersubjectivity theory is an important theoretical category in 20th century philosophy.Specifically, intersubjectivity mainly includes two levels of meaning: on the ontological level, it means that any subject lives in an intersubjective world;On the epistemological level, it refers to the connectability of different cognitive subjects to objective objects.Among them, the relationship between subjectivity and intersubjectivity is both opposite and unified.In the virtual world, the relationship between the virtual subject and other subjects is realized through communication.Why can virtual subjects communicate effectively?What are the characteristics of the resulting communication practice?In the past, we paid too much attention to the theoretical abstraction of network communication practice, while ignoring the specific manifestations and characteristics of this practice.We have conducted an empirical study on BBS communication practice.Research findings.Although from the perspective of technology provision, the scope of people's communication can be unlimited, in the actual network communication practice, people tend to lock the scope of communication between 4-6 people.This is not much different from the scope of communication in people's daily life (Bai Shuying, 2002).It can be seen that it is easy to draw a one-sided conclusion to construct a philosophy about network communication practice only from the perspective of technology provision.On the other hand, we know that virtual subjects need to reach effective communication, which requires consensus between each other and mutual understanding between subjects.In other words, communication is possible only when virtual subjects reach an agreement on each other's virtual degree.Therefore, in the practice of network communication, to what extent virtual technology affects the basis of people's consensus and mutual understanding is a key issue that we should make clear before putting forward the corresponding conclusions.
To study the relationship between the virtual subject and the original subject, as well as the intersubjectivity of the virtual subject, we should go deep into the virtual world to understand it.Previous studies only focused on viewing the virtual world from the perspective of reality, or thinking about the virtual world from the perspective of imagination. The direct consequence is to simply connect or reinterpret the theory originally applied to the real life world with the virtual world.The conclusions obtained on the basis of these four are actually the process of re explaining the existing theory on the premise of technical possibility.In fact, the virtual world needs its own social knowledge and theoretical system.From another perspective, the real life world embedded in the virtual world is also facing deconstruction and reconstruction.This not only reflects the transformation of the "subject object" thinking paradigm, but also means the reorganization of the "space-time" framework.In short, the mutual embedding of the virtual world and the real world requires us to start from reality and build a philosophy about the virtual world.
To study the virtual world from the perspective of social philosophy, we should first construct the virtual world metaphysically on the basis of empirical research.This means that we should stand on two basic points: first, we should follow the principle of positivism.Therefore, we should reduce speculative social philosophy and metaphysics, and emphasize that the reliability and truth of social knowledge depend on the research orientation of observation and experiment.Because social knowledge is practical in nature.Second, we should build the virtual world metaphysically on the basis of empirical evidence, and guide the practice of the virtual world.
The essence of constructivism based on positivism, from the epistemological perspective, is the combination of realism and constructivism.According to Feinberg's idea, it is "to put the answers of substantialists and constructivists to the essence of technology in a unified framework with two levels. The first level is more or less related to the philosophical definition of the essence of technology, and the second level is equivalent to the thinking of social science on the essence of technology.... From this perspective, there are not only one aspect of describing the nature of technology, but two aspects.One is to explain the composition of technological object and technological subject, which I call "basic instrumentalization". The other is "secondary instrumentalization", which emphasizes the realization of technological subject and object in the specific technological framework "(An Weifu, 2002)
From the perspective of methodology, the essence of constructivism based on positivism is the combination of practice and theory.In Marx's view, practice is the way of existence of human nature.Practice embodies the fundamental survival dilemma of human beings, that is, the division of human beings and their living world, and the division of human beings and nature, individual and society, thinking and existence, and seeking God and life.With the development of practice, human beings will eventually overcome this split state, rebuild a complete life world, and realize the all-round development of human beings (complete people), which is what Marx said in the ideal society,"The real solution to the contradiction between man and nature, and between man and man, is the real solution to the struggle between existence and essence, objectification and self confirmation, freedom and inevitability, individual and category"(Liao Liqun, the philosophy of the virtual world in 2005 should not reject the return of philosophy to empiricism and the world of daily life, but should not vulgarize the world of daily life. The social philosophy of the virtual world should be transcendent based on empiricism.