1. Determination of research objects This research takes the registered users of the enterprise blog network as the survey objects,The reason is that Enterprise Blog Network is an online community for enterprises to provide blog services, which was launched by Blog China in October 2005. It is also a network distribution center for enterprise blog users.According to the results of the Top Ten Chinese Blog Hosting Websites in China, the 2005 China Blog Market Research Report and other reports, Blog China ranks first among the domestic comprehensive blog hosting websites.Blog China was founded by Fang Xingdong, the "first blogger in China", in August 2002. A group of elite bloggers such as Wang Dingding, Ni Guangnan and Jiang Qiping established the authority of the website.Although since Blog China launched the enterprise blog hosting service, there are also some websites dedicated to providing enterprise blog hosting services, but they cannot compare with enterprise blog websites in terms of authority, functionality, daily visits, etc.Therefore, the enterprise blog network is undoubtedly the best choice for this survey.
In view of the rapid increase in daily visits (see Figure 6-2) and registered users of corporate blog websites, the number of website users cannot be determined.In this case, researchers can only conduct an "accidental" survey for all registered users in the form of online questionnaires, which cannot meet the conditions of random sampling survey.Therefore, the reliability and validity of the survey results cannot be guaranteed to be inferential to the whole.
2. Questionnaire design Compared with the traditional questionnaire design, the questionnaire design of online survey requires special treatment in the design, content, structure and appearance of the questionnaire in addition to higher requirements for computer and network technology.In order to ensure the quality and effect of online questionnaire survey, the difficulty of questionnaire design is greatly increased.In addition to breaking through the bottleneck of technical level, researchers also need to consider many possible problems and obstacles in the survey at the beginning of the questionnaire design.
3. Questionnaire production and testing Different from the paper volume, the distribution and recovery of online questionnaires are all completed through the Internet.The preparation of the questionnaire is tedious, and the basic steps are as follows: First, the questionnaire is designed according to the long-term observation experience of the blog discourse activities of enterprises, and a small-scale trial survey is conducted; Second, according to the results of the trial survey and theoretical assumptions, modify and establish the questionnaire; Thirdly, the questionnaire is made into a static web page with Dreamweaver software, and each question and answer is numbered; Fourth, establish an Access database corresponding to the questionnaire questions and option numbers; Fifth, bind the existing static web pages with the new database to form an online questionnaire survey system, and debug it on the LAN; Sixth, check the selected answers with the recovered data, modify the corresponding relationship between the database and the questions and options, and rebind the database and the web page; Seventh, debug again on the LAN to check the correspondence between problems, options and the database; Eighth, after verification, put the questionnaire survey system on the external network for debugging; Ninth, check the side to retrieve the data, clear the data in the existing database, wait for the link address of the questionnaire to be released to the enterprise blog users at the same time, and start the formal survey.
4. Acquisition of samples The online survey can not conduct random sampling for the survey objects, and the sample acquisition is "accidental".After the questionnaire is released, anyone who sees this post may become a respondent to the questionnaire.In this case, the researcher made a clear limitation in the guide: "All the following questions are only for your activities in the enterprise blog website www. bokee. net, please do not answer based on your participation in other websites".
5. Investigation process The survey took place from April 12 to May 12, 2006, and was published on BBS, a corporate blog website, in the following pages: "Internet Blog", "Career Flavor", "Business Management", "Enterprise Industry Economy", "E-Commerce", "Talking about the World", "Entertainment and Leisure", as well as "Harbin Institute of Technology", "Wal Mart China", "Bright Dairy" and other corporate blogs,There are also blog circles such as "Internet marketing", "creative circle", "excellent performance", "experts and scholars".The link address of the questionnaire is www.moyizonecom/survey/home. Asp and wwwdanceshow. com/survey/home.. asp。The first data was recovered at 14:2:5 on April 12, 2006, and the last data was recovered at 11:28:27 on May 10, 2006.A total of 211 questionnaires were collected during the survey period of one month.