E-commerce websites involve economy, market, finance, management, human resources, commerce and technology, etc. Doing business online is becoming a new way of trade.Looking at the opportunities and challenges faced by China's small and medium-sized enterprises,Website constructionIt is imperative to use the Internet to do business, which is mainly reflected in the following points:
1. Huge number of users, containing unlimited business opportunities There are hundreds of millions of users accessing the Internet all over the world.Some experts predict that the scale of e-commerce will reach 570 billion yuan by the end of 2010, double that of 2009.Another fast growing e-commerce website publishing platform - mobile network is also developing rapidly.By the end of June 2009, the number of mobile Internet users in China had reached 155.4 billion.Some insiders predict that the number of mobile Internet users in China will exceed 300 million in the next two years, and a huge user base means unlimited business opportunities.Figure 1-2 shows the growth of the number of Internet users from 2000 to 2008.
2. Provide business information and timely update changes As we all know, China Telecom publishes a yellow page advertisement every year to release the latest business information.However, in a year, the information of enterprises will change for various reasons. At this time, using the network to establish yellow page advertisements can provide more timely business information of enterprises and provide the latest business information at any time.Figure 1-3 shows the screenshots of the China Yellow Pages website. It can be seen from the picture that it is obviously more convenient to find business information in the yellow pages of the website, and the large amount of online business information is irreplaceable by any other media.
3. Strengthen contact with customers and provide quality services Contact and communication is one of the most important contents in the business process. It is important for every shrewd businessman to have extensive contact with others.By building a business website, enterprises can provide contact and communication channels to thousands of people 24 hours a day on the website, and anyone can use this channel at any time.Today's business process pays more attention to providing customers with quality services. More and more convenient ways can be used on the website to provide customers with various services.For example, customizing personalized communication platforms for customers, sending the latest enterprise information irregularly according to customers' preferences, and 24-hour online customer service without paying phone fees can all be realized simply and quickly.Figure 1-4 shows Dell's customer online support web page.
4. Accelerate the release cycle of new products, and timely reverse the user information Using the Internet, new products and services can be quickly released to the world at low cost. The cost of updating the web page by adding a new project is only a fraction of the cost of printing a new product catalog.
After the launch of new products, user feedback is very important for every enterprise.Using the two-way information exchange function of the Internet can help enterprises receive instant feedback from the market. Online questionnaires are the most common means to understand users.Internet questionnaires can be released and retrieved through websites and E-mail, and the database can be directly used to record relevant data, which can greatly save time, funds and manpower. The results are easy to quantify, facilitate statistical processing and analysis, and can be used for large-scale surveys.Figure 1-5 is a questionnaire of Spring Airlines.