At present, online stores are generally divided into comprehensive and single categories. Single types are common, such as online bookstores, online CD stores, etc. The single category is popular because of its low risk and the products sold by a single online store conform to the characteristics of the network. Comprehensive sites sell a variety of goods. Of course, online stores are based on Website Design Based on. Compared with the traditional way, online sales has advantages. Its site development and maintenance costs are low, and it is easy to provide all relevant information about products. It does not need to pay expensive mail order fees, and it can easily complete transactions immediately by using credit cards.

In order to facilitate consumers' purchase, relevant online shopping software has emerged, namely shopping guide or shopping robot. It allows users to query and visit stores that may need to sell products, return the query results, and then display these query results in a simple and clear unified format, so that users can compare the items they need to buy. At present, most shopping guides are dedicated to purchasing books, music and movie products, consumer electronics, and computer hardware and software. When the user requests, these shopping wizards will query the merchant's database and return the query results. The agent software for buying cars and tickets adopts a query method similar to the dialog query database. It establishes a query database based on the collected information, and the query program database is updated once a month.
The product types provided by the shopping wizard are easy for users to understand and select. There are many kinds of books, music CDs, cassette tapes or line printers that can be searched. Computer hardware and software are the items most concerned by online shopping users. At present, there are more than ten kinds of shopping guides and bargain search agent software available, ranging from memory and processor chips to advanced integrated agent software. The main contents are as follows. Guide to purchase music works. BargainFinder of Anderson Consulting is commonly used. When the shopping guide was first applied, it could only find music works in more than ten online music stores. Later, the company updated the stores on its shopping guide search list. With this shopping wizard, users must determine the names of musicians and music works to search.
Book purchasing guide. Bookstore guide is the most popular one. Bargain bot is a typical general product in this field. The book purchase wizard searches by book name or author's surname. It can search 10 bookstores, including Amazon and other large online bookstores. For Amazon Online Bookstore, it can identify the book number found. You can browse book titles in the Words Word bookstore. There is also an advanced MXBook Finder. The wizard has a high ability to select bookstores, such as Amazon, PowellBooks, Booksmith Bookstores, etc. It can also search the author's name, book title, ISBN, book type, and selectively search some book prices. Its search speed is very fast. The search results of the bookstore are listed in table form.
Computer Product Shopping Wizard. The Pricewatch wizard can find stores with a large number of computer hardware products and summarize and arrange the query results. Each project contains a large amount of information, and there are many excellent products to choose from, especially the price update information it contains is very useful. The wizard links the name of the vendor and the trade name, so users can get information about the product directly.