As of 2009 Website production The value of information as a carrier is approaching the value of gold, platinum, oil or other expensive commodities. In fact, with the spread of the global economic recession, the value of information will rise faster than the value of natural products (such as the price of metals or oil). The growth of information value has also led to more complex types of theft. In the past, hackers and viruses were usually done by individuals, sometimes by students, and even used by high school students as a way to find stimulation. However, in today's society, stealing valuable information has penetrated into group crimes, terrorist organizations, and even hostile foreign governments. More Than This. And denial of service access and "search tools" can use the powerful and complex functions of computers to shut down enterprise data centers to interfere with government operations. With the decline of the global economy, this situation will become worse.

Computers are used to store valuable information, such as financial records, medical records, patents, trade secrets, confidential military information, customer lists, addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and social security numbers. The total value of the information stored has reached several trillion dollars. In today's society, there are few goods that are so expensive and easy to steal as information. Stealing not only increases the threat to software and financial data, but also may increase the threat to voting and election software. It is dangerous for any computer to connect to the outside world by any means. Even though the computer is physically isolated, it may still have some risks caused by the radiation of electricity.
Although many organizations, such as Homeland Security, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Symantec, McAfee, Kaspersky, the Computer Association, and many other organizations have competent security personnel and reliable security tools, there needs to be a central organization responsible for monitoring security threats and distributing data, This is the best practice for defense. It is difficult for decentralized security software to organize against all threats and monitor future threats.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched a cooperative organization called InfraGuard. The organization has tried to contribute data on software and computer security issues in the past. According to InfraGuard website, about 350 Fortune 500 companies are members. In many large cities, the organization also has offices affiliated with the FBI, such as Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco. However, smaller companies do not have the same advantages as large enterprises in dealing with security issues. Becoming a member of InfraGuard would be a good start. Of course, it is also a best practice.