stayWebsite DesignThe most important aspect is the style of the web page.The style of a web page contains a lot of content, mainly including color, web page layout, web page interaction, multimedia form, content structure and web page content.These aspects are introduced below.
1. Color
The color includes the background color of the web page, the color of the text, the color system of the picture, the color, etc.
2. Typesetting
It is mainly about the overall structure of the web page, the display form of each component content, the application of tables and frames, text indentation, paragraphs, etc.
The basic web structure should be organized before you start writing text, looking for images, and conducting formal web design.If you don't have a fairly clear structure in your mind at the beginning, you will almost certainly end up in a mess.Refer to some pages that users like, study their layout and style, and see how they express content.It is plagiarism to copy other people's things all over the page, but learning from others is a research process.
After a preliminary consideration of the web page to be designed, the results of the consideration can be expressed in the form of sketches.This has two purposes:
One is to turn the things in the brain into a real picture, so that you can verify the actual effect.
The second is to send the design sketch to others for their opinions.
Sketch design can use Photoshop or other image design software. The main content is to plan the overall structure of the web page.For example, the whole web page is divided into several major parts. What content should be put in each part, how the content should be displayed, whether it is pictures, animations or text.As shown in Figure 1-22, it is a sketch of a web page.
3. Web page interaction
It is mainly about the interactive form of web pages, client and server programs. For example, whether JavaScript framework is used on the client to enhance the user experience, and how the server programs are implemented, such as ASP, PHP, XML, CGI, etc.
4. Other media forms
This part mainly focuses on various content forms that make web pages look lively, such as Flash animation, Silverlight programs, etc.
5. Content architecture
It mainly means that the directory planning of the website and the hierarchy of the website and page content should be clear.As shown in Figure 1-23, it is a news report of NetEase.The content structure of this web page is very representative.First of all, it is a very eye-catching title.The following is the release time and source of the content. Because this content is not the focus, but cannot be missing, it is displayed in a smaller font size.Next is a summary. Users can understand the content of this article as long as they read these lines.The last is the text, with pictures and texts.
This structure is worth learning from.When users design a web page to display products, they should also put the product name on the top of the web page, so that users can know what it is at a glance.If there is much to introduce the product, a summary should also be placed in front of the text to briefly introduce the product's performance and some indicators.Finally, the product is introduced to users in detail.Beginners often make mistakes in this area.For example, the product name is often mixed with the product description, or the product description is very detailed, but no introduction is provided.In this way, it is very difficult for users to understand the content of the web page.
6. Web content
It mainly refers to whether the website has a clear theme, how practical the website is as a whole, how relevant the documents in the website are, how well the content of the page fits the theme, and whether there are unnecessary files.