What programming language is used to develop the world's top 40 most visited websites? Having seen Google's top 1000 most visited websites, I think it would be interesting to find out what programming language these websites use.
Obviously, it will take a lot of time to complete 1000 website surveys, so I studied the top 40.
My results are not clear and may even be wrong, but my results consist of the following:
- HTTP header information
- Request file type (e.g.. Php)
- Forums, Demos and Google Search
- Knowledge based guessing
Again, my results may be wrong! In addition, I did not consider other possible back-end technologies: such as C/C++search engine, which is a programming language purely serving HTML.
S/N | website | Visits | programing language |
one | facebook.com | 870,000,000 | PHP |
two | youtube.com | 790,000,000 | Python |
three | yahoo.com | 590,000,000 | PHP* |
four | live.com | 540,000,000 | ASP. NET |
five | wikipedia.org | 460,000,000 | PHP |
six | msn.com | 450,000,000 | ASP. NET |
seven | blogspot.com | 370,000,000 | Python |
eight | baidu.com | 310,000,000 | PHP |
nine | microsoft.com | 280,000,000 | ASP. NET |
ten | qq.com | 250,000,000 | PHP |
eleven | bing.com | 230,000,000 | ASP. NET |
twelve | ask.com | 190,000,000 | SSI |
thirteen | taobao.com | 170,000,000 | PHP |
fourteen | twitter.com | 160,000,000 | Ruby on Rails |
fifteen | adobe.com | 160,000,000 | ColdFusion |
sixteen | youku.com | 160,000,000 | PHP |
seventeen | soso.com | 140,000,000 | CGI |
eighteen | wordpress.com | 140,000,000 | PHP |
nineteen | sohu.com | 130,000,000 | PHP |
twenty | 163.com | 130,000,000 | JSP |
twenty-one | windows.com | 120,000,000 | ASP. NET |
twenty-two | hao123.com | 120,000,000 | PHP |
twenty-three | amazon.com | 120,000,000 | CGI |
twenty-four | tudou.com | 120,000,000 | PHP |
twenty-five | apple.com | 97,000,000 | PHP |
twenty-six | ebay.com | 97,000,000 | CGI |
twenty-seven | linkedin.com | 89,000,000 | Scala/Java |
twenty-eight | yahoo.co.jp | 82,000,000 | PHP |
twenty-nine | sogou.com | 81,000,000 | PHP |
thirty | go.com | 74,000,000 | CGI |
thirty-one | 4399.com | 74,000,000 | PHP |
thirty-two | paypal.com | 73,000,000 | CGI |
thirty-three | mozilla.com | 73,000,000 | PHP |
thirty-four | aol.com | 73,000,000 | JSP |
thirty-five | about.com | 73,000,000 | unknown |
thirty-six | xunlei.com | 68,000,000 | PHP |
thirty-seven | 56.com | 67,000,000 | PHP |
thirty-eight | flickr.com | 67,000,000 | PHP |
thirty-nine | craigslist.org | 66,000,000 | unknown |
forty | tmall.com | 66,000,000 | PHP |
Note: * Speculation.
According to the above results, PHP is the dominant language, accounting for about 50% of the top 40 websites. In addition, ASP NET seems to be only available for Microsoft websites.
Other interesting observations are that two PHP websites use IIS 6.0, the rest mainly use Apache, and only a few use Nginx.