1、 Transportation network is one of the main functional elements of logistics network
According to the concept of logistics network, logistics network is the physical movement of "things", which not only changes the temporal state of things, but also changes the spatial state of things. Transportation bears the main task of changing the spatial state. Transportation axis is the main means of changing the spatial state of goods. Transportation is supplemented by loading, unloading, transportation, distribution and other activities, Before the birth of the modern logistics concept, even today, many people still equate transportation with logistics, because most of the responsibilities in logistics are assumed by transportation, which is an important part of logistics. Therefore, Website production The network is the main part of the logistics network and completes the main functions of the logistics network.
2、 Transportation network is one of the necessary conditions for the material production of the society
Transportation network is the foundation of national economy. Marx called transportation "the fourth material production department" and regarded transportation as the continuation of the production process. Although this continuation is based on the production process, without this continuation, the production process cannot be completed finally. Therefore, although the production activity of transportation is different from the general production activity, it does not create new material products, does not increase the number of social products, does not give new use value to products, and only changes its spatial location, but this change enables production to continue and social reproduction to continue, so it is regarded as a material production sector. The transportation network is the material basis of transportation and the necessary condition for the completion of Yunhan. The reason is that: first, in the production process, the transportation network is a direct part of production, without the transportation network, the internal and external links of production cannot be connected. Second, in society, the transportation network is the continuation of the production process, which connects production and reproduction The links of production and consumption connect all sectors and enterprises of the national economy, urban and rural areas, and different countries and regions.
3、 Functions of transportation
In the process of logistics management, the transportation network mainly provides two functions: goods movement and short-term storage.
1. Item movement
The main purpose of the transportation network is to transfer goods to the designated place in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. Whether it is raw materials, parts, assemblies, work in progress, semi-finished products or finished products, whether it is moved to the next stage in the manufacturing process or moved to the end customer, the transportation network is essential. The main function of transportation network is to realize the displacement of products in the supply chain and create value by changing the location and location of goods, which is space utility. The transportation network can also make the goods arrive at the destination within the required time, which is time utility. The main function of Yunhan Network is to transfer goods from the origin to the appropriate destination at the appropriate time to complete the movement of products
2. Short term storage
Another major function of the transportation network is to store goods for a short time during transportation, that is, to use transportation vehicles (vehicles, ships, aircraft, pipelines, etc.) as temporary storage facilities. If the goods being transferred need to be stored, but need to be transferred again in a short time, the cost of loading and shortage may exceed the cost of storage in the means of transport, or if the warehouse space is limited, the goods can be transported to the destination by moving back or indirect routes. Although it may be expensive to store products by means of transportation, it is sometimes reasonable, or even necessary, to store goods by means of transportation from the perspective of total cost or task completion, considering loading and unloading costs, storage capacity constraints, etc. Only the goods are mobile, not idle.