An e-commerce model based on the traditional market space is Peter Fingar's three pillar e-commerce model. As shown in the figure, this model is based on the existing market space. In this model, three electronic pillars support the operation of the open market: electronic information, electronic relations and electronic transactions. Therefore, this model is based on the existing market space, and uses the electronic mechanism as its means to support the operation of the open market.

The first pillar, electronic inf mation, is equivalent to Angie's virtual information space. The World Wide Web is seen as a "global repository" of documents and multimedia data. The establishment of the electronic information pillar is simple. Most combinations of word processing software can easily convert files into a format that can be read on the Internet. The difficulty is to build a good and stable pillar that will not collapse. That is to say, the web page is not frozen (free. - up) in the terms of the World Wide Web, and the link will not lead the visitors to a dead end, or make them wander through the maze of links and can not easily find the information they need. Therefore, the establishment of electronic information support should not be simple and sloppy, or it will not fully support the goal of opening the market. The process of searching for electronic information often brings frustration to many online "surfers". The reason why search engines and other intelligent agents are becoming more and more popular is that they can improve the efficiency and effect of navigation on the World Wide Web with the help of users. Search engines and intelligent agents are the topics of this chapter.
The second branch is electronic relationship, which is the core pillar. It is equivalent to Angie's virtual communication space. Information access does not mean everything is ready for web-based e-commerce. Providing product and service information on the website does not mean that potential customers or visitors will visit your website, nor does it mean that users will visit your website again. The e-relationship pillar is like setting up a website like this, which is like entering the "port" of a community. The key to the success of e-commerce is to enable people to visit this port frequently. In order to attract users to visit a website again and again (it also means that if users do not visit other websites, the website needs some features, which must be innovative, add value, provide information and interactive functions that are not available elsewhere, and establish a forum for expressing opinions. The difference between e-commerce and other media such as printing and broadcasting is that it is interactive, and users expect to experience interaction when visiting a website. To establish good customer relations. Electronic Commerce Website Design It needs to be able to create a sense of community and interactivity that potential customers increasingly expect. The use of intelligent agents is one of the ways to achieve this goal.
The third pillar is the electronic transactions pillar, which is equivalent to the virtual trading space of Angel and also includes the virtual circulation space of Angel. Many enterprises have established electronic information pillars, and some have established or are establishing electronic community pillars. In contrast, there are few enterprises that establish electronic transaction pillars. There are two obstacles to the establishment of this pillar: the ability to implement a full and meaningful negotiation process and the security of transaction information. The process will be discussed in the daily chapter, and the security of transaction information will be discussed in the whole textbook.