The growth rate of the Internet has far exceeded the growth rate of any previous information media. Figure I-1 shows the time taken for radio, television and personal computers to reach 50 million people compared with the Internet. Just four years after the Internet was "open to the public", it has reached 50 million people, a fraction of the time it took for radio, television and personal computers to reach the same penetration rate.

So what is the Internet? The Internet is a unique infrastructure because it does not "belong" to any individual. The most accurate definition of the Internet does not actually explain much: the Internet is a network of many networks. With the passage of time, the Internet has developed into the current situation and is still developing. The Internet emerged in 1969 as a joint project between DARPA and four university hosts. The nodes where these hosts are located use the packet switching theory developed by Leonard Keinrock of MIT to transmit data. This packet switching theory is still the basis of current data transmission methods. E-mail came into being in 1972 after more computer sites were added to the network. In the next ten years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) also participated, and various standard setting institutions aimed at helping to build and develop the Internet also emerged. These Internet related institutions will be further elaborated in later chapters.
In the early 1980s, the business field became more and more interested in the Internet and began to invest heavily in the commercial Internet. The World Wide Web (www) didn't take shape until 1990, when Tim Bemersdxe blocked the reality of the concept he created and was known as the father of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web integrates hypertext links, software portability, and the use of network and socket programming. Hypertext links enable users of the World Wide Web to easily and quickly move from one site to another. Software portability enables users who previously operated on incompatible platforms to establish sites that can be interpreted and easily read for multiple platforms. The data transmission generated by hypertext link is realized in view of the concept of network and socket programming developed by Berners Lee. The ease of use of the World Wide Web has contributed to the rapid growth of the Internet. When predicting the growth rate of the Internet, people often say that its data flow will double every 100 days.

The potential benefits that enterprises and consumers can obtain have been described previously. Forrester Research predicts that by 2003, the trade volume between companies will reach 1.3 trillion US dollars. Figure I-2 shows the six industries and their projected Internet sales growth rates. It is expected that the tourism industry will have the greatest sales potential online, at least in the next few years. In addition, the explosive growth of the Internet is global. According to the prediction made for Western Europe, the Internet trade revenue of 16 Western European countries will grow from US $1 billion in 1997 to US $30 billion in 2001. Euro is the fuel to accelerate the development of European e-commerce. Many European websites that once seemed indecisive due to the barriers of multiple currencies will start with the launch of the euro Website construction Is the base site. In this way, the Internet and the World Wide Web, which are coming rapidly, cannot bear the thought of enterprises, so they are involved in the whirlwind of change.