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Simplified Chinese English
Search engine optimization promotion
Search engine optimization service
Low cost Keyword click free, ranking 24 hours online, lower price than bidding click once -
Quick results Network system mode, professional service optimizer, keyword ranking faster, ranking higher -
Guaranteed The price of keywords can be queried before cooperation, and the ranking will enter the home page. Fees will be deducted only if there is a ranking, and refunds can be made if there is no ranking for keywords -
Easy to operate There is no need for customers to publish, we are all inclusive, and reduce your personnel costs
Quick ranking of core words
Optimize the process of teacher service
Phase I
Competitor analysis (competitor website inclusion, weight, friendship link, external chain, etc.) to prepare for the next optimization -
According to Baidu word segmentation technology, website TDK (title, description, keywords) analysis and processing -
Extract all links from the website, analyze the website inclusion rate, specifically analyze the non included pages, and improve the overall inclusion and weight -
Check the dead links on the website to improve the friendliness of Baidu Spider Crawler website -
Check the website friendship links (friendship link quality), delete one-way export -
Excavate relevant target keywords of the website, lay out the overall layout, and prepare for the subsequent improvement of the overall website weight
Phase II
Bind Baidu webmaster platform and Baidu Cloud Observation to analyze some factors unfavorable to Baidu in the website -
Website code is adjusted according to w3c standard -
Compress website code (css compression, js compression, redundant code deletion) -
Website page keyword density layout -
The layout and adjustment of the internal chain of the website page can improve the overall spider crawling friendliness and enhance the overall weight
Phase III
Maintain relevant theme articles according to the target keywords of the customer's website -
Find out the relevant external chain of the customer website and carry out the external chain construction -
Soft articles and forum promotion
Phase IV
Continuous maintenance and external chain -
Track the ranking of target keywords every day -
Analyze the keyword ranking of competitors and adjust the optimization direction
Scope of application
small and medium-sized enterprises Product, brand or service promotion -
Industry Portal Search engine keywords to home page -
Electronic Commerce Relatively strong dependence on the Internet -
international trade A certain field or global promotion -
Traditional industries Keyword index below 500
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